Home / Opinion / Having Someone To Blame Is Easier Than Actually Building Something

Having Someone To Blame Is Easier Than Actually Building Something

by Every Single Palestinian Leader Ever

faded-palestinian-flagRamallah, August 11 – For more than a century, we Palestinians have fought the usurpation of our land. We have done nothing but fight that usurpation. And it shows. Robust national institutions? Nope. A functioning government? Nuh-uh. Genuine attempts to create a society that generates buy-in from its members and whose leadership demonstrate real care for constituents? Don’t make us laugh. We are here to fight the Jews, not to accomplish anything.

You will notice that no “Palestine Liberation Organization” existed for most of the time Jordan and Egypt controlled parts of the land. Or while the British exercised their international mandate. Or while the Ottoman Empire ruled here for four hundred years. Or under the Mamelukes. Or Abbasids. Or Umayyads. You get the idea. Our interest lies not in building an exemplary – or even halfway competent – system; it lies in denying one to Jews who have the gall not to be third-class subjects of Islamic domination. Also it’s easier to throw murderous tantrums than to do the dreary work of institution-building and not educating our children to value killing Jews over everything else.

The world has facilitated our entrenchment in this attitude. We have our own United Nations agency to handle our ballooning roster of “refugees,” who, by the definition of the UN’s own agency for all other refugees anywhere, are not refugees. But we’re special. We get special support and attention in international bodies because our enemies are Jews. The gravy train that is the Palestinian cause rewards our intransigence, funds our violence, and gives us no reason to develop anything other than more incitement and terrorism. Under the circumstances, trying to extract ourselves from a situation we constantly call “intolerable,” “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “apartheid,” would mean the end of that attention and support. We’d have to get off the gravy train. No, thank you. Our cronies and nepotistic circles would never forgive us. We’re far too invested in accusing Israel of everything than in benefiting Palestinians in any material way. It would go against everything we’ve, well, worked, so hard to establish.

Having Israel to blame means never having to accept responsibility. It absolves us of any need to reflect, reconsider, introspect, or judge our own decisions. It assures the most radical and violent among us that they will always have the Jews upon whom to take out their rage. And it’s much easier than building the Palestinian state we claim to want to desperately that we kill for it.

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