Authentic Palestinian interests are even more anti-Israel than wanting all Israelis violently dead.
New York, February 13 – Online warriors campaigning for the Palestinian cause have concluded that the elected government of Palestinians, which pays lifetime stipends to the perpetrators – and the perpetrators’ families – for attacks against Israelis, glorifies those attackers, educates children to see Jewish sovereignty as illegitimate, and works to undermine Israeli control of areas the Palestinians agreed to leave under interim Israeli control in various signed agreements, in fact functions merely as a marionette of Israel, and does not represent Palestinian interests at all.
“Abbas is just an Israeli puppet,” declared multiple Twitter users over the course of the week, referring to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and repeating an argument they have made dozens, perhaps thousands, of times in the last twenty-five years. “He does nothing without Israeli approval or at Israel’s say-so,” including, presumably, calling killers of Israelis “heroes,” people killed attacking Israelis “martyrs,” and vowing again and again that payments for imprisoned or slain terrorists and their families will never be reduced, let alone ended.
Officials of the Palestinian Authority governing the rump state’s self-rule areas under the Oslo Accords of the 1990’s between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization continued of late to dehumanize Israelis Jews and praise those who seek to harm them. Following a recent Palestinian massacre of Jews, including women, children, and the elderly, outside a synagogue after Friday evening services, Palestinian spokesmen refused to call the deaths wrong, and refused to refrain from encouraging Palestinians to emulate the attacker. The activists insist those officials and representatives do not represent Palestinians but Israel, presumably because in their view, authentic Palestinian interests are even more anti-Israel than wanting all Israelis violently dead.
Charges among Palestinians that rivals “collaborate with the Zionists” have a venerable history, with one distortion claiming “Israel founded Hamas” and others settling personal, economic, or political vendettas unrelated to Israel by leveling accusations of collaboration. The featuring of Israel as the understood enemy, through some yet-unexplained logic, becomes in activists’ minds evidence that Palestinian leaders work for Israel. That those leaders sometimes work to ensure calm so that Palestinians can enter Israel and move freely in their own areas to support their families often gets adduced as a demonstration that the Palestinian Authority “does Israel’s bidding.”
Palestinian laws ordain the death penalty for the sale of land to Jews – not merely Israelis, but Jews from anywhere – but those convicted in Palestinian court of such actions have been sentenced to life in prison at hard labor and not actually executed. The activists seize on that fact as proof that the organization doing the most direct work to reward harm to Jews actually works for the Jews.
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