Home / The Rest of the World / LibsOfTikTok Tweets ‘Globalize The Intifada’; Progressives Stop Calling Her Stochastic Terrorist

LibsOfTikTok Tweets ‘Globalize The Intifada’; Progressives Stop Calling Her Stochastic Terrorist

Raichik’s defenders have dismissed the “stochastic terrorist” designation, but no such defense occurred in the case of “Globalize the Intifada!” since the accusation never came.

LOTT avatarLos Angeles, February 21 – The personality behind an anti-trans-ideology social media account that many have accused of, simply by naming them, encouraging violence against trans people and the institutions and staff that affirm trans identities, changed tacks today and posted a message in implicit support of violence against Jews around the world as a response to Palestinian grievances against Israel, in reaction to which post her accusers have remained silent.

Chaya Raichik, a realtor-turned-conservative-Twitter-user, gained fame or notoriety, depending on one’s assumptions, through her Libs of TikTok account, posting content directly from users of the micro-vlogging app who tout how they spread gender ideology and strive to drive wedges between parents and children on gender identity issues, as well as content documenting other forms of what her allies call evidence of “grooming” of children by trans activists. Her identification of several facilities and personalities that perform surgical and pharmaceutical intervention to an extent that Raichik and her supporters consider dangerous, unnecessary, and evil, has resulted in some cases in death threats to those targets, and as a consequence, earned Raichik the description of “stochastic terrorist,” among her critics; the term refers to one who incites political violence by indirect means, not specifically instructing or requesting attacks on the eventual targets, but with the distinct possibility that her tone and the fervor of her followers will inspire some to act in that fashion – analogous to anti-Israel activists calling to “Globalize the Intifada,” which Raichik did yesterday. The Intifadas, two lengthy episodes of Palestinian violence targeting Israelis in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, and then again, more violently and lethally, from 2000-2005, and their suppression, killed thousands and saw the birth of the Palestinian “pay-for-slay” policy rewarding the killers of Jews, and the families of the killers. Raichik’s defenders, and Raichik herself, have dismissed or ridiculed the “stochastic terrorist” designation, but no such defense has proved necessary in the case of her “Globalize the Intifada!” since the accusation never came from the expected quarters.

Analysts believe Raichik tweeted the declaration with the intent of showcasing the apparent hypocrisy of her accusers, in keeping with her reputation as an online troll; commentators less inclined to credit her with such foresight suspect instead either that someone briefly hacked her Twitter account, or that she never intended to post such ironic content. Inquiries to a handful of her more vociferous critics produced accusations of transphobia and Islamophobia.

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