Home / Opinion / Shooting Jewish Teachers Will Convince The World To Support A Free Palestine

Shooting Jewish Teachers Will Convince The World To Support A Free Palestine

by Nimr Kawukji, Hamas operative

Hebron, September 7 – The weak and pathetic Abu Mazen thinks that pretending to uphold agreements with the Zionist Entity will allow Palestinians to “incrementally” retake our land from the usurping pig-ape-dog Jews. We at Hamas and our more realistic allies know better: that the the only way to ensure full expulsion of the thieving, murderous Zionists is to kill day care workers and school teachers, using firearms and explosives.

Cowards argue that there is some difference between Occupation “soldiers” and “noncombatants,” a notion that anyone with a brain in his head and loyalty to Palestine knows to be a fruitless lie. All Jews are legitimate targets, because killing any of them, and many of them, will drive the lot of them out of our land once and for all. Victory remains imminent, as it has for seventy-five years! In 1948 there were six hundred thousand Jews here; now, their population is down to a mere six-and-a-half million! Just one more push!

Thus, day care workers and schoolteachers, while valuable targets, are not the only ones. I encourage our mighty warriors to place in their crosshairs Jewish shopkeepers, students, sanitation workers, nurses, physicians, bus drivers, housewives, social workers, plumbers, attorneys, electricity technicians, accountants, actors, janitors, auto mechanics, babysitters, delivery drivers, veterinarians, parking enforcement officers, cyclists, postal carriers, waiters, roofers, secretaries, insurance analysts, salespeople, entertainers, copy editors, caterers, short-order cooks, librarians, hospital orderlies, customer service helpline agents, human resources personnel, teachers’ aides, window cleaners, taxi drivers, crane operators, personal trainers, and zoo keepers, just to name a few. Also exterminators, reception clerks, radio announcers, writers, camera operators, and air conditioning repairmen. Also children. Did I mention children?

The international community sees our determination, our willingness to violate everything they profess to hold sacred, as an indication of our virtue. Whether because they interpret our actions as the product of desperation, or because they too, seek any pretext to sanction violence against Jews, the targeting of schoolteachers, painters, and nurses remains and has always been the only proper path for the the Resistance to follow. The glory before Allah of anyone who shoots or stabs a pregnant Jewess is incalculable. And most of the world favors it, as well, as they have for much of history. We must continue this successful approach unto victory itself!

I predict victory sometime between next month and the year 3

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