Home / Middle East / Zionists So Sinister They Fooled Hamas Into Filming Own Participation In Fake Rapes, Massacres

Zionists So Sinister They Fooled Hamas Into Filming Own Participation In Fake Rapes, Massacres

Sharing those nonexistent escapades on various Telegram channels to boast of their domination over, and degradation of, the hated Jews.

Rafah, January 11 – Leaders and spokesmen for the Islamic militant movement that officially governs much of this coastal territory acknowledged again today that they had previously failed to appreciate just how manipulative and underhanded their enemy could be, with specific attention to the fact that thousands of the organization’s personnel had shared first-person footage and images on and after October 7 of themselves engaging in atrocities and bragging about it, without realizing at the time that the entire episode never happened, and that the group had no hand in the 1200 Israeli deaths that occurred during that day’s invasion of Israel.

Several senior figures in Hamas voiced their continued chagrin at having been hoodwinked by Israel into participating in atrocities that never happened and filming it and sharing those nonexistent escapades on various Telegram channels to boast of their domination over, and degradation of, the hated Jews.

“This shows just how nefarious the enemy is,” stated Hamas spokesman Abu Obeida. “We still threaten the Zionists with more October sevenths, but some of us remain unsure whether that threat includes the sexual violence, the brutality against children, and the disregard for human dignity in which we gloried at the time, sharing it all on social media and pointing to as demonstrations of our supremacy over the cursed dhimmi Jews, the offspring of apes and pigs – or whether, because images and talk of such exploits generates sympathy from the international community and gives the Jews a pretext to hurt us, none of that actually happened, the Jews faked it, and all the stuff we took pride in back then was actually a hoax, which would be sort of embarrassing, but we know even if we blatantly contradict ourselves, the mainstream, anti-Israel media and activist institutions will ignore the earlier stuff and run with the narrative of the moment.”

Abu Obeida invoked the “world’s largest open-air prison” trope that has long characterized global discussion of the Gaza Strip, one that flies in the face of the current Hamas-sanctioned narrative in which Gaza was a veritable paradise on Earth until Israel bombed its architecture, luxury economy, leisure sites, culture, infrastructure, and public institutions into rubble following October 7. “The media and activist worlds don’t seem to have a problem with that pivot,” he observed. “I don’t see why this one should be any different.”

He further noted the parallel with the recurring phenomenon of “Zionists” controlling the media but the same media serving as such reliable stenographers of Hamas talking points.

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