Home / Opinion / OK, That’s Enough About 9/11 For Today; It Detracts From The Evil-Israel Narrative

OK, That’s Enough About 9/11 For Today; It Detracts From The Evil-Israel Narrative

by Nigel Dickwick, Sky News editor

London, September 11 – Ladies and gents, I understand the impulse to devote some coverage today of the anniversary of the Al-Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington, but please let us not lose sight of the axiom that our focus belongs on continual demonization of the world’s only Jewish state.

We have discussed this before, both in-house and with colleagues at other journalism outfits. Without daily, uncritical reporting of every allegation against Israel, and of framing even neutral or positive developments as manifestations of Israeli perfidy, this industry fails in its core mission. We must not permit the fleeting importance of other events, emotionally-resonant as they may feel to some, anything more than token mention.

If possible, even when mentioning September 11, try to relate it to Palestinian suffering, or debunked stories of Israeli dancing, or how the West deserved it because of support for Israel. We can accept that line of commentary.

Rest assured I am not talking about dedicated programming not related to international issues. While from time to time we will insist on including digs at Israel, or implied acceptance of “settler-colonialism” in the context of, say, a cooking show or sporting event, my admonition here pertains only to those parts of our programming schedule where “Zionist lobbying” or “Zionist influence on the media” can be relevant. I believe you will find that to be the bulk of schedule.

I know most of you have already put the finishing touches on your 9/11 segments. I appreciate the difficulty in reexamining them and altering them to make them more suitable to what I’m saying. I must nevertheless ask you to determine whether they focus at all on Israeli crimes, or at least Palestinian suffering that implies Israeli crimes. If the answer is yes, then perhaps you need not change a thing. But if you make no mention of Israel, and for some reason think the grief of Americans is a story in its own right, I must ask you to prepare a much shorter segment on the subject. Consider two minutes generous.

Oh, one more thing – some of you have been slipping in recent weeks. I could have sworn I detected subtle references to Qatari violations of human rights, and of involvement in modern-day slavery, among other… unpleasant things. I hope I need not remind you that Qatar sponsors a number of our segments, such as weather, and we would do well not to jeopardize that revenue stream. Ami I understood?

Good. Now back to talking about Zionist control of the media.

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