Home / Opinion / A Meme Attributing Something Genocidal To Ben-Gurion Is All The Evidence I Need

A Meme Attributing Something Genocidal To Ben-Gurion Is All The Evidence I Need

by Sajid Hasan, Keyboard Warrior for Palestine

Dhaka, October 6 – Here in Bangladesh there isn’t much the average person can do to defend our Muslim brethren abroad from the Jews. But we and our fellow members of the Ummah can do our part for Allah that perhaps seem small, but help build an online culture that cements the picture of Muslims as noble and oppressed, with Jews as their powerful oppressors. I know it’s true: I’ve seen a picture of the first Israeli prime minister and some racist words pasted onto it, and that’s enough to convince me.

Therefore, in my free time, and often when I should be doing other things, I look through Facebook and other social media for the purpose of posting demeaning, harassing, or threatening images on the Pages and Walls of Zionists.

Not all Muslims living in Bangladesh have the privilege of living near Hindus whose businesses, homes, and houses of worship they can ransack. Not every Muslim in Bangladesh, even in a large city such as mine, encounters infidels in the normal course of his day. Some of us are too young to go out pogroming; some of us have household responsibilities we can’t shirk. But we must nevertheless do what we can to demonstrate the dominance of Islam over other, false, systems. I know they are false because I have seen images and words that stroke my ego by reassuring me that the system into which I happened to be born is the one true system.

The followers of those other systems deserve subjugation and death.

The difference between me and, say, David Ben-Gurion, is that such a statement attributed to him constitutes irrefutable evidence of his genocidal bigotry, and justifies all the depredations that Palestinians and their allies have committed against Jews, especially Zionist Jews, for more than a hundred years. Whereas I can say it and not face opprobrium, because I represent the Correct view. The only true religion. You must submit to me!

God, that feels so good to say. It helps me forget I live in one of the most backward societies on Earth, with no prospects for improvement. It must be so much more empowering to actually have Jews nearby to rape, torture, and slaughter! Just imagine the sense of pride and accomplishment!

And all justified, because I believe a few words slapped onto some dead guy’s picture. I love simplicity.

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