Home / Opinion / We Palestinians Are Indigenous, Which Is Why We Have No Cultural Continuity With The Ancients, Unlike Those Usurper Jews

We Palestinians Are Indigenous, Which Is Why We Have No Cultural Continuity With The Ancients, Unlike Those Usurper Jews

by Muhammad el-Kurd, activist

Jerusalem, January 15 – Palestine has always existed. Our ancestors the ancient Palestinians walked these hillsides long before those European settler-colonialists, with their heritage forged in Judea and carrying the name of that kingdom, displaced us, the people who claim to have existed here from time immemorial and have the evidence to back it up in the form of zero preserved traditions, practices, rituals, or identity factors unique to the land we claim spawned us as a people.

Those Jews, with their direct continuity from the people of the Bible, and the oral traditions attached to it, cannot replace us Palestinians, whose collective ancestry can be demonstrated all the way back to the Bedouin tribes and migrant workers who settled here in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries!

The DNA evidence is conclusive: Mizrahi and Ashkenazi Jews are genetically indistinguishable, which must mean that Sephardic Jews are really from Poland. QED.

Parenthetically, this means those Khazars/Poles/Ukrainians/Whatever killed Jesus. Certainly not the ancient Palestinians who were here at the time!

If Jews were indigenous to Judea, as they claim, then their calendar, liturgy, and other cultural characteristics would revolve around the seasons, harvests, and other Judea-specific factors. They expect us to fall for the ruse that Jews are indigenous to the land simply because they define their national observances by the seasons of this ancient land; pray multiple times a day to be returned en masse to reestablish their civilization in the land; and base their entire national ethos on descent from those exiled from the land, adhering to texts written in and about that land. Pathetic.

We Palestinians, on the other hand, offer the robust evidence of living now in a place called Palestine that locals never called Palestine, since the name was imposed from outside, and only Europeans ever called it by that name, and we insist that our adoption of “Palestinian” identity starting in the 1960’s – prior to that we denied anything distinct about “Palestine” in larger Arab or Syrian culture – be retroactively applied back into ancient history. By the same token, you must also start referring to Pocahontas as an inhabitant of the Confederate States of America.

We represent the authentic indigenous people. That is why we follow a religion from Arabia, eat foods indistinguishable from the rest of the region, have names attesting to origins in Egypt, Kurdistan, Syria, the Maghreb, and the Balkans, and proudly trace our ancestries to Bedouin tribes who settled here in the last 200 years.

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