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Podcaster Hoping To Distinguish Self With Unique Brand Of Antisemitism

“If I can get in on the ground floor of, say, casting Jews as the masterminds behind the death of the dinosaurs, I can make a real name for myself.”

Paterson, NJ, March 19 – An up-and-coming online influencer aims to break away from a crowded field in his industry by adopting a new approach to expressing hate for Jews, unlike those other influencers who share the same old tropes about Jewish power and nefariousness, the man disclosed today.

Hussein Jamal, 28, discussed his plans with a reporter during an interview via Zoom this morning. The aspiring podcaster noted the prevalence of antisemitism among high-profile figures in podcasting, and laid out a scheme he has developed to distinguish his brand of antisemitism from the the existing antisemitism in the arena.

“I don’t want to ride on someone else’s coattails, to be a derivative personality,” the Palestinian immigrant acknowledged. “I need to establish my own brand as a podcaster, as an influencer. There are tons of influencers out there calling for the liberation of Palestine by any means, preferably violent means, and for ‘cleansing’ our society of the Jewish menace. I have to stand out from them, though. That means finding something new and different to say about Jews, and I may have just the approach.”

Jamal set forth four possible premises for his version of expressing genocidal hatred for Jews.

“My first one isn’t really a departure from the classic elements,” he noted. “To some degree, you can’t just throw away what’s been working for centuries. My new twist is to apply the ‘bloodthirsty ritual murder’ concept to areas yet-untouched, such as ‘Jews use Palestinian body fat to light their Hanukkah candles’ or ‘The Four Species of Sukkot are a discreet way to practice stabbing goyim.’ Unique, but has limitations.”

“A second possibility involves breaking new ground entirely,” he continued. “Finding pernicious Jewish influence is nothing new, but I want to take it to uncharted areas. Everyone knows the Jews control Hollywood, but what about prisons? If I can get in on the ground floor of, say, casting Jews as the masterminds behind the death of the dinosaurs, I can make a real name for myself. Maybe even reach political office.”

“My third option has me challenging other podcasters and influencers by showing how their pet theories about Jews don’t go far enough,” he added. “Like, if they complain about Jewish control of the media, I hit them with, ‘You think the media is real? There’s no such thing as the media – no one is reporting anything and you’ve been duped by a bunch of AI. Wake up, sheeple!’ That could work, but it requires gaining enough attention first so others will want to collab in the first place, so this would mean relying on one of the other methods until that point.”

“The fourth one is top secret because I don’t want the Jews intercepting this idea,” he went on. “But it’s certainly not screaming antisemitic slogans at local mosques. That’s a typical Friday here.”

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