Home / Middle East / EU Insists Accepting Haman’s Genocide Of Jews Will Empower Persian Moderates

EU Insists Accepting Haman’s Genocide Of Jews Will Empower Persian Moderates

They also seek to minimize steps that might compromise lucrative economic ties.

Haman RembrandtBrussels, February 12 – European officials argued today against adopting a severe response to an impending Achaemenid program that aims to exterminate the Jews throughout the empire, contending that direct diplomatic opposition to the initiative will undermine the standing of less-extreme elements within the regime.

Representatives of various European Union ministries and the head of the body’s foreign policy arm issued statements yesterday and today to the effect that Grand Vizier Haman’s plan to wipe out every Jewish man, woman, and child, and to despoil their property, while unfortunate, will meet only token criticism from the union, lest the radical elements within the administration of Emperor Ahashverosh exploit any more-pronounced measures to paint moderate rivals as conspiring with external entities to work against Persian interests, and thus further curtail the moderates’ sway in future issues of interest.

“We urge the international community to take measured steps only,” stated Josep Borrell, who assumed the helm of EU foreign policy in November 2019. “Strong condemnation or the adoption of severe measures such as economic sanctions will only endanger the position and influence that Achaemenid moderates still enjoy. Wisdom calls for a more circumspect approach that will deprive the extremists in Susa of the rhetorical ammunition they need to marginalize moderates. No one wants to see this unfortunate genocide of the Jews carried out, but we must also give due weight to the importance of cultivating the moderates as a counterweight to the extremists currently in control.”

Vizier Haman’s program calls for the destruction of all the empire’s Jews in all its 127 provinces on the thirteenth of Adar. Provincial officials have already begun training special squads – Einsatzgruppen in one local parlance – to carry out the bulk of the initiative, while a more centralized bureaucracy and reporting system based on camel-riding couriers will handle the collection, appraisal, and disposition of property the targets will leave behind. Jews have spared no effort to protest the plan; international reaction, however, has remained muted as other powers seek to minimize steps that might compromise lucrative economic ties with the Achaemenids.

Analysts also note that lackluster European objections to the scheduled genocide reflect a degree of sympathy with the project that goes beyond economic considerations. “One gets the sense that on some level European governments wish they had come up with the idea,” wrote one. “Several delegates to the European Parliament have expressed in private some regret that their societies may never get a chance to participate in such an epic enterprise.”

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