Home / Politics / False Prophets Of Oslo, Gaza Disengagement, Appeasement, Denounce Settler ‘Messianism’

False Prophets Of Oslo, Gaza Disengagement, Appeasement, Denounce Settler ‘Messianism’

“Have we ever been wrong?”

Jerusalem, February 12 – Followers and proponents of failed, deadly scheme after failed, deadly scheme to sacrifice strategic Israeli assets and security on the altar of hoping that maybe this time the genocidal terrorists leading the Palestinians will deign not to keep trying to kill as many Jews as possible if given the capacity to do so leveled a familiar charge again today at Jews who insist that Jews may also live beyond the 1949 armistice lines represent a dangerous, destructive phenomenon that threatens the integrity of the Jewish State.

Supporters and advocates of the Oslo peace process and its land-for-peace formula with the Palestinians; of unprecedented concessions beyond the original Oslo agreement; and of the forced removal of all Israelis from the Gaza Strip in 2005 and handing over control of the whole territory to radicalized Palestinians – each of which brought more Palestinian terrorism and carnage to Israel than had preceded them, and which the advocates insisted would incentivize Palestinian conciliation in return, despite warnings from opponents against such naivety – issued further warnings today that the insistence by certain Jews on Israeli rule and habitation in areas that Israel captured in defensive wars jeopardizes Israeli security and international standing.

“Have we even been wrong?” they challenged. “Our understanding of regional dynamics, of the surrounding culture, and – need we even say it – our superior moral and intellectual stature compels everyone to listen to us. Stop the settlements. They’re bad for Israel. Just look at our track record about these things.”

“If anything about Land for Peace didn’t work, it’s because it wasn’t done correctly,” they explained. “There’s nothing wrong with the idea at all. Nothing in the Arab psyche that sees concessions as weakness, and no need for robust military measures to deter security threats. If we just pack up and get out of the territories, paradise will surely follow because never has any territory from which we removed our people and handed over the keys become a staging ground for further slaughter of Israelis.”

“Not like those radical settlers,” they continued, “whose delusional, warped view of the world drives them to do things that are dangerous not only for them – forcing the rest of us to pay in money and blood to protect them – but for all of Israeli society, both because of the terrorism that uses settlements as a pretext, and because of what occupation does to the Israeli soul. All that, in service of an unachievable, messianic vision.”

“Who could ever support such a position?”

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