Home / Middle East / Gaza Refugees Wary Of IDF Field ‘Hospital’ With No Basement, Terrorists, Or Restricted Areas

Gaza Refugees Wary Of IDF Field ‘Hospital’ With No Basement, Terrorists, Or Restricted Areas

“How do they expect to deliver the same level of care without all the essentials?”

Khan Yunis, August 26 – Residents of a tent camp in a humanitarian safe zone that Israel set up in advance of its ongoing incursion into Rafah voiced their suspicion today that the makeshift first aid and medical care facility in the camp cannot be genuine, since it bears none of the hallmarks of such a facility to which the residents have become accustomed, such as armed men roaming the hallways, entire subterranean levels off-limits even to the medical staff, or caches of weapons.

Suha Masri, 40, confessed her misgivings after taking her four-year-old daughter Maryam to the field hospital last week and seeing nothing but doctors, nurses, orderlies, and administrative personnel.

“It seemed off,” the mother of six acknowledged. “That’s not what a hospital looks like. I have no complaints about the care – they cleaned, disinfected, and stitched up the cut she got, then gave her some antibiotics and a whole list of instructions for me to follow at home, and to come back if it isn’t healing properly. That part was standard. But they didn’t have the normal features of a hospital. I get that it takes time to set up sub-basements and tunnels for fighters, and maybe it’s unreasonable to expect them to have those in place already, but at least the armed thugs who can go wherever they want while preventing anyone else from going to certain rooms or floors? This was nothing like Najjar Hospital.”

Others agreed. “How do they expect to deliver the same level of care without all the essentials?” wondered former Rafah resident Jibril Qadib, 68. “I’m not sure what will happen to me if I have to go in there. There hasn’t been a suspicious delivery with armed escorts in all the time I’ve been watching.”

Similar concerns have surrounded the larger tents that Israel has set up to accommodate communal events, such as prayer. “I know it’s not supposed to be a real mosque – this is obviously a temporary structure,” explained Imam Alqaraf Aldajaj, whose mosque in Rafah suffered severe damage during a gun battle between the IDF and Hamas fighters after Israel evacuated the civilians from the area. “You can tell not just from the lack of a crescent or proper minaret, of course, but there are some more fundamental indicators. There are no hidden panels behind or underneath which to store weapons, or to access the tunnels. Every proper mosque has those.”

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