Home / Defense / Group That Distributed Candy On 9/11 Wants You To Focus On ‘Dancing Israelis’

Group That Distributed Candy On 9/11 Wants You To Focus On ‘Dancing Israelis’

Documented celebrations took place throughout Palestinian-controlled areas once news of the attacks reached them.

Ramallah, September 11 – Activists, fighters, and officials of several related entities from a Palestinian population that celebrated the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, killing nearly 3,000 people on this date 22 years ago, continued this week to try calling attention to a long-debunked story about Israelis near the scene of the New York attacks engaging in festive behavior at the time.

Palestinians again trotted out the “Dancing Israelis” conspiracy theory in advance of the anniversary of the hijackings and crashes that collapsed the Twin Towers and caused extensive damage to US military headquarters. A fourth jet crashed in Pennsylvania when passengers overcame the terrorists, who had trained as pilots and slain the crew after takeoff; investigators have determined that they likely intended to hit the US Capitol building.

FBI inquiries did in fact uncover Israeli activity near the New York attack scene, but the Bureau later announced that the activity involved tracking and monitoring Palestinian terrorism financing operations, and that Israel had no specific foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. The previous month, Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad had warned the US of an impending major terrorist operation on American soil, but had no specific details to offer at the time.

Documented celebrations, however, took place throughout Palestinian-controlled areas once news of the attacks reached them. Anti-American sentiment has long been rampant in Palestinian society; several notorious Palestinian terrorist attacks in Israel have specifically targeted US citizens, even non-Jewish ones. Widespread Palestinian anti-Americanism, however, hurts Palestinian efforts to extract financial and diplomatic support from the US – and Palestinians therefore gravitate toward long-disproven conspiracy theories about Israeli anti-US malevolence such as “dancing Israelis” celebrating 9/11, or painting the accidental 1967 Israeli attack on a US surveillance vessel in the Mediterranean – while Israel was heavily engaged in the Six-Day War with Egypt, Jordan, Suria, and Iraq – as intentional. Multiple investigations concluded that a series of errors and misjudgments on both sides contributed to the fatal USS Liberty incident. Palestinian celebrations continue to occur when the US suffers casualties, albeit not with the frequency and intensity as when Israel suffers.

Analysts observed that this phenomenon fits into the wider pattern of Palestinians and their backers accusing Israel of the offenses they themselves commit or endorse on a much larger scale, such as targeting civilians, employing human shields, attempting genocide, perpetrating illegal land grabs, and calling for the wholesale removal of an entire population.

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