Home / EOZ / I Have Traveled From 1948 To See The Glorious Islamic Future Of Southern Syria

I Have Traveled From 1948 To See The Glorious Islamic Future Of Southern Syria

by Abd al-Qadir Husseini

Qastel, Jerusalem suburbs, May 1 – The opportunity we have awaited for so long finally presents itself: once and for all, when the British leave, we and our Arab brethren from all over will sweep the Jew into the sea and reassert Islamic dominance in this place. My brothers, I have the opportunity to get a glimpse, via time machine, of what the Levant will look like in seventy-six years, and the excitement of what I expect to witness and share with you in my reports makes me utterly giddy.

With our glorious victory in the present so imminent, I look forward to bringing you tidings, seven-plus decades hence, of restored Islamic glory, if not under the bygone Ottomans, then under the proud rule of, I don’t know, does it matter whether King Farouk of Egypt, King Abdullah of Hashemite Transjordan, or whichever Syrian potentate ends up spearheading the triumph? Perhaps our fractured Arab peoples will unite. A fellow can dream of a future long after the final triumph over the cursed Jews.

My cousin the mufti already made strides in that effort by allying with Hitler and advising him on how best to deal with those Jews. He and I both gave the Jews here a taste of what awaits them, with cousin Amin even sparking mass murder of Jews in faraway Baghdad! Those weak Jews will melt away before my irregulars of the Army of the Holy War and our allies from all over the region. Surely, in seventy-six years, we will have witnessed a restoration of serenity and rightful Islamic dominance with no more foreign imperialism controlling us here in Southern Syria.

The imperialism of the Hashemites, Egyptians, and Syrians does not count, obviously. They would NEVER simply try to seize the land of the British Mandate for themselves. I will show you, upon my return, that the history in the future will prove me right!

As for the Jews – will there be any left? Not here. Whosoever survives will flee. We will plunder! We will have no mercy! Maybe we will enslave a handful? I doubt I will see any in the future. Hitler fell short, but Stalin will not. The rest will simply disappear. That is what happens to Jews, right? They just fade away and disappear into history.

Not my glorious Army of the Holy War. We will live on! I will show you when I get back.

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