Home / Politics / If Gov’t Falls, Gantz Vows Alternative Elections

If Gov’t Falls, Gantz Vows Alternative Elections

An alternative to the ones that would inevitably return Mr. Netanyahu to the helm of yet another lame-duck government unable to form a stable, lasting coalition.

Benny GantzJerusalem, August 26 – Alternative Prime Minister Benny Gantz promised today that in keeping with his party’s mission of providing an alternative to eleven years of Binyamin Netanyahu’s rule, he will hold an alternative day for balloting in the event that the current unity government between his and Netanyahu’s parties collapses over various core ideological and policy differences.

Blue and White chief Gantz told supporters and media personalities today that given the difficulties in securing a delay of the requisite budget vote – the absence of which will legally force new elections, the fourth contest in two years – he has directed the party apparatus to prepare for a parallel set of elections to provide a suitable alternative to the ones that would inevitably return Mr. Netanyahu to the helm of yet another lame-duck government unable to form a stable, lasting coalition.

The leader of the Blue and White Party, a former IDF Chief of Staff, spent the better part of the last several years at the helm of an effort to unseat Mr. Netanyahu as premier, a campaign that resulted several months ago in a coalition partnership between Likud, Gantz’s faction of Blue and White, and several smaller parties. His split from the other elements of Blue and White, who remained in the Opposition, sparked acrimonious mutual recriminations and charges back and forth of betrayal, hypocrisy, delusion, and naked political ambition masquerading as pursuit of the public interest. A previous attempt by Blue and White to form a center-left coalition failed to generate the promised alternative, and in the end Gantz and eleven of the seats he represented joined Netanyahu in exchange for commitments to legislative and policy commitments, plus a shared premiership between the two leaders, with Gantz replacing Netanyahu in office late next year. The prospect of new elections threatens the realization of that alternative, prompting Gantz to commit to elections that Israelis can choose instead of the ones that keep producing political stalemates.

“I have not deviated from my commitment to providing an alternative to the failures of the last decade,” intoned Gantz. “If that requires holding alternative elections for alternative voters to choose alternative policies for the alternative reality my supporters, former allies, and prospective voters already inhabit.”

Netanyahu, for his part, appears set on investing in some of the same alternative reality, assuring right-wing voters that his next term will see all the right-wing agenda items that mysteriously disappeared from the policy and legislative slate the entire eleven years he has held power.

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