Home / Defense / Israel Considers ‘Sponsor Riots In The West’ Policy Of Its Own

Israel Considers ‘Sponsor Riots In The West’ Policy Of Its Own

If Israel can marshal thuggery to showcase its grassroots support, the public relations playing field might tilt less to Israel’s detriment.

Tel Aviv, March 20 – Intelligence and defense officials in the Jewish State have long acknowledged the propaganda victories that rallies and violent protests abroad constitute for the country’s enemies, but until now have not embraced a strategy to orchestrate such disturbances in its favor. That is poised to change according to several intelligence sources, who disclosed today that initiatives have launched to begin organizing and funding thousands of activists in key American, Canadian, Australian, and European cities to yell violent threats and call for genocide of enemies.

The sources noted that putting together a mechanism to bankroll mass protests, in downtown areas and on college campuses, will take months. Unlike the Islamist-backed “grassroots” protests that erupted with the October 7, 2023 war, Israel’s efforts cannot rely on an existing cadre of tens of thousands of dupes or sympathizers willing to overlook or deny horrific atrocities for the sake of Palestine as a progressive cause.

“It’s never been easy to recruit a critical mass of activists for pay,” explained one intelligence official. “We get accused of it all the time, of course, but that’s because our foes can’t wrap their heads around the notion that anyone would support Israel on the merits. That cognitive hurdle grows naturally from exposure to too much Islamist or Communist propaganda. It takes time, often years, to cultivate the critical mass of humanity who can be induced to torch an academic library for your cause. Our enemies can just flood the West with migrants already primed to play the role. We just don’t have the raw numbers.”

Analysts predict that if Israel can succeed in marshalling thuggery in New York, London, and Melbourne, for example, to showcase its grassroots support, the public relations playing field might tilt to some degree less to Israel’s detriment. “It’s unrealistic to expect things to turn around quickly and hand Israel a major triumph such as rampant physical assaults on pro-Palestine students, as faculty and security personnel look on,” cautioned Tim Browbeater, Professor of International Relations at George Mason University. Professor Browbeater sees an uphill battle for the initiative, but concedes its chances of success, however moderate, might be worth the investment.

Certainly, he admitted, it would be positive sign if one of the major institutions that became a hotbed of pro-terrorism activism before and since October 7 transformed into an epicenter of anti-Palestinian vandalism, intimidation, and violence. As the top candidates for that distinction, Browbeater pointed to The University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Harvard, and Rutgers.

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