“If the anti-Kahane safeguards fail as well? We’re in for REAL trouble.”
Tel Aviv, February 2 – Voters and politicians concerned about the sharp rise in popularity since October 7, 2023 for the policies and rhetoric of a party banned in the 1980’s over its advocacy of transferring hostile Arabs out of areas that threaten Israeli communities continued to express their anxieties this week regarding the robustness of the protective measures intended to maintain that ban, given the failures before and on October 7 of other protective measures intended to keep murderous Palestinians out of Israel – failures that led directly to the surging popularity of that banned party’s positions.
The Central Elections Committee barred Rabbi Meir Kahane’s “Kach” Party from 1988 parliamentary elections over the group’s racism. Though Kahane was assassinated in New York in 1990, his followers continued to advocate for removal of Arabs – on either side of the 1949 Armistice Lines – who refuse to accept Israel. Some followers resorted to violence, resulting in a legal ban on the existence of their groups in the 1990’s. However, now that the State’s defense mechanisms proved inadequate to keep 6,000 Gaza Palestinians from invading southern Israel on Simḥat Torah 2023 on a murder, rape, pillage, torture, looting, vandalism, and kidnapping spree that left 1200 dead, political opponents of Kahane’s spiritual heirs worry that the State’s defenses against Kahanist parties will prove similarly inadequate, and that would be even worse.
“We must avert unprecedented disaster, but I can only hope the protective measures are robust enough,” acknowledged MK Yair Golan of The Democrats Party. “We all trusted the measures we had in place on October 7, though. And look what happened.”
“It’s not even like it as a bunch of right-wingers or settlers who got killed or hurt,” he continued. “That would be bad, yes, mainly because it would generate sympathy for them among voters, but not as bad as it in fact turned out to be: the victims were mainly people who would vote for me and my political allies! Those are precious few, and we can’t afford to lose any and fall below the electoral threshold again. Especially since the right-wingers outbreed us by a significant margin. But if the anti-Kahane safeguards fail as well? We’re in for REAL trouble.”
His colleague Meirav Michaeli elaborated. “We can tolerate when right-wing jews get harmed, because they deserve it,” she explained. “But if Arabs have to suffer? Inconceivable. What is the Jewish State for, if not to sacrifice Jewish lives for Arab security?”
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