Home / Politics / Notable Lack Of Bus-, Nightclub-Bombings Mystifies Palestinian Supporters of Ukraine Resistance

Notable Lack Of Bus-, Nightclub-Bombings Mystifies Palestinian Supporters of Ukraine Resistance

“They’re inflicting more damage on the occupiers than we ever have, certainly in so short a time! Something doesn’t add up.”

Ukrainian sacrificed selfGaza City, February 27 – Activists, militants, and residents of this beleaguered coastal territory voiced puzzlement this week at the noticeable absence of the defenders against Russia’s invasion of its western neighbor resorting to attempts to inflict mass casualties against civilian targets in Russia, or against Russian civilians anywhere, a strategy that they had assumed not only effective, but proper, in fighting occupation.

Palestinians who side with Ukraine in its attempt to prevent a Russian military takeover of the republic – which achieved independence from the Russia-dominated Soviet Union in 1991 – expressed their surprise, then confusion, that while several brave Ukrainian fighters have sacrificed their lives to impede the Russian advance, none have bombed Russian discos, bars, public transportation, or other locations brimming with noncombatants. The lack of such operations by Ukrainian resistance fighters has baffled Palestinians accustomed to associating the violent, painful deaths of Israeli children and other civilians with legitimate resistance – all the more so since the Ukrainian insistence on focusing only on bona fide military targets – bridges, military vehicles, positions, and personnel – has so far proved effective in thwarting Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Blitzkrieg strategy for a quick, decisive capture of Ukraine’s capital and major industrial centers. Such effectiveness has eluded Palestinian resistance fighters; Israel has only grown stronger and more secure since violent Arab opposition to Jewish sovereignty in the ancestral Jewish homeland began more than a century ago.

“I thought it was just a mistake in the reporting, at first,” admitted Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesman for Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement that governs Gaza. “Suicide operations means killing the enemy’s most vulnerable: toddlers, the elderly, teens in a dance club, pizzeria patrons. Otherwise how do we know our cause is just? Also rescue and first aid workers. Can’t forget those. But none of the coverage of Ukrainian resistance seems to include casualty figures for Russian civilians, and certainly no Ukrainian celebration or handing out of sweets to celebrate such civilian deaths. And they’re inflicting more damage on the occupiers than we ever have, certainly in so short a time! Something doesn’t add up.”

“I think it’s Zionist propaganda,” offered a veteran of the Gaza Fence protests. “There’s no way they’ve been avoiding sending incendiary balloons at Russian kindergartens, fields, and forests. It’s unthinkable that anyone could succeed in fighting a foreign occupation without resort to such tactics. There’s something we’re not being told, and as always, the explanation lies with whoever controls the media. At least the blame-Jews reflex still has utility here.”

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