Home / Politics / Opposition’s Immiseration Of Millions Via Blocked Roads, Strikes Somehow Not Attracting Votes

Opposition’s Immiseration Of Millions Via Blocked Roads, Strikes Somehow Not Attracting Votes

Now just part of the political landscape like campaign posters that most people simply ignore.

Tel Aviv, September 9 – Public opinion polls continue to show incumbent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as the frontrunner in any upcoming elections, despite months of work persuading the public to support his adversaries: vehement protest involving demonstrators cutting off major transportation arteries in the country’s busiest region; making noise at all hours of the day and night; and calling half the electorate criminal cultist fascists, among other measures.

A constellation of anti-Netanyahu cadres from the political and cultural elite who see him as a threat to their longtime hegemony, via political opportunists who simply want him out of the way, to an earnest but small contingent who genuinely have a coherent alternative vision for Israeli society, further noted the apparent futility of their efforts, despite a war that resulted directly from the Netanyahu government’s disastrous failure to assess Hamas capabilities and intentions.

Analysts suggested that years of anti-Netanyahu rhetoric of the most hyperbolic variety – featuring epithets such as “fascist,” “criminal,” “Nazi,” “genocidal,” “anti-democratic,” and “traitor” – have inured the public to the erstwhile power of those terms, which now just form part of the political landscape like campaign posters that most people simply ignore.

“The protests aren’t an outgrowth of the war,” observed political scientist Ken Welduh. “They’re a continuation of the same protests that took place during COVID and ever since. The pretext changes but the target never does. In the process of disrupting life for millions of Israelis, the demonstrators have managed to make themselves into mere background noise, and no significant number of voters even notice their arguments anymore.”

Others noted the long-term effect of having no credible alternative to Netanyahu. “The brief respite from Netanyahu at the helm, under [Naftali] Bennett and [Yair] Lapid a couple of years ago, only showed the electorate they have no other choice,” explained pollster Anna Lizah. “[Benny] Gantz’s political missteps have deprived him of both front-runner status and any influence on governmental processes. And the Left, in general, is impotent, not to mention discredited. There’s a broad sense that despite Netanyahu’s myriad failings as a leader, he’s still the least-bad option, and that the current crises are a direct outgrowth of the delusional Left’s control of Israeli politics in the nineties, for which the country is still paying the price in blood and treasure.”

Protest leaders vowed to address the ineffectiveness of their tactics by doubling down on inflammatory rhetoric and blaming right-wing voters and parties for things Palestinian terrorists do.

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