Home / Middle East / Palestinian Scholars: Fried Hanukkah Foods An Insult To Oil-Based Arab Economies

Palestinian Scholars: Fried Hanukkah Foods An Insult To Oil-Based Arab Economies

Zionist behavior must a priori be categorized as evil.

LatkesRamallah, December 16 – Anti-Israel propagandists hoping to attenuate the recent wave of normalization between Israel and various Muslim states in the region seized on a new idea this week to try to drive a wedge between the Jewish State and surrounding countries, namely that the widespread Israeli custom of consuming treats prepared in oil during the Festival of Lights stems not from a two-thousand-year-old commemoration of a miracle involving a candelabrum in the Holy Temple, but from an ongoing effort to mock the crude-oil-producing states of the region.

Bir Zeit University academics published several articles in the institution’s in-house journal Hara this month, with the issue focused on the myriad ways in which Israeli or general Jewish practices or sensibilities represent hateful intolerance of non-Jews in general and of Muslims or Arabs in particular. The occurrence of Hanukkah this month gave rise to a treatment of that holiday’s cultural side, with specific attention to the age-old Jewish custom of eating foods fried in oil in remembrance of a day’s worth of olive oil for the Holy Temple’s menorah that lasted a full eight.

“Whereas various sources attribute the fried food custom to that mythical ancient event,” one article read, “we cannot dismiss the real and painful reality of Zionist usurpation and blasphemy of all things sacred to Muslims. We take as axiomatic that all aspects of Zionist behavior, whether or not shared by non-Zionist, or ‘acceptable’ Jews, have at their roots a toxicity and prejudice that undermines any positive impact those behaviors, or Zionism at large, may produce.”

“Thus, because Zionist behavior must a priori be categorized as evil,” the article continues, “the widespread practice in the usurper Zionist entity of eating oily foods during Hanukkah demands that we seek the real source, i.e. the most uncharitable interpretation thereof, behind the practice. Our leading contender for this source is that the Zionists, who live on stolen land that affords them no crude oil, seek to ridicule he surrounding Muslim nations who do possess such wealth.”

“It is hoped that the realization that Israel harbors only disdain for its neighbors will prompt them to reverse course on the cursed ‘normalization’ taking place,” a separate article asserts. “This betrayal of Palestine and of the Palestinian people cannot continue, and if it does, the Palestinian people and their remaining allies will face a stark choice: accept that they must swallow the humiliation of losing to the dhimmi Jews of all people, or engage in the very ridicule of neighbors that we find so evil.”

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