Materials distributed by the office of the president provided details of the dovetailing strategies.

Credit: via Wikimedia Commons
Ramallah, September 5 – Leaders of the Palestinian national movement gave formal approval today to a long-time Israeli strategy aimed at causing the international community to feel irritation and revulsion each time Palestinian issues arise, a spokesman for President Mahmoud Abbas has announced.
Nabil Aburdeineh told reporters assembled at the presidential compound this morning that the vote of Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee gave its OK to a longstanding set of policies governing Palestinian behaviors that provoke worldwide realization that the Palestinians have never, in fact, sought a genuine peaceful resolution to the conflict with Israel, and remain interested only in attention, self-importance, and the billions in foreign funding that come with them, paralleling Israeli diplomatic efforts through the decades to undermine Palestinian international standing.
Aburdeineh stressed that Abbas and his advisers have followed the act-as-Israel’s-worst-portrayal-of-you approach independent of Israeli moves in that regard. “We do not answer to Netanyahu,” he intoned. “The Palestinian strategy of living down to the most negative, counterproductive image possible has never been subject to, or even inspired by, Israeli ideas or talking points. This is a sovereign decision on the part of the Palestinian national leadership.”
Materials distributed by the office of the president provided details of the dovetailing strategies. The materials pointed to unending incitement to violence, rewards for terrorist activities, the glorification of attempts to harm Israelis, targeting civilians, sabotaging infrastructure that both groups need, and persistent refusal to engage in good-faith negotiations to bring the decades-old conflict to a peaceful resolution, all in the face of growing international pressure to forsake violence and implement a solution based on existing proposals.
“Our adherence to a zero-sum game mentality flows directly from our organic, authentic selves,” explained Palestinian official Nabil Shaath. “It would be a grave mistake to think we resemble to a T what our enemies say about us simply because we mindlessly adopt what our enemies say. No, I must emphasize that our pathological need to attach ourselves to, and co-opt, every international issue so that we can remain in the spotlight at all times and position ourselves as ever-relevant, and deserving of funds that otherwise would go to worthwhile causes such as preventing famine or eradicating disease, and thus making us repugnant in the world’s eyes, is entirely ours. What purpose would ending malaria have if Palestinians are relegating to something other than the foremost victims of all time? Better to be reviled than ignored.”
“Besides, who’s going to keep making deposits in my Swiss and Cayman Islands bank accounts if we no longer sponge off international funding?” he added. “Think of what’s at stake here.”
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