Jewish refusal to accept Palestinian Muslim attacks with appropriate resignation is a blasphemous undermining of the proper order of things.

via Wikipedia
Ramallah, December 27 – Opponents of Jewish control over Jewish security continued today to assail the world’s only Jewish state for the impudent practice of protecting Jews from attack from the region’s majority population, characterizing any harm to the majority attackers that occurs in the course of such protective actions as war crimes, Apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide.
Palestinians and their progressive allies around the world once again called any incident in which Israeli security personnel or civilians prevent Palestinians from harming Jews or non-Jewish Israelis a violation of human rights law or the laws of armed combat, with the number and seriousness of the violation increasing in case of bodily harm to the Palestinian attacker. The shame inherent in once-dominant Muslims no longer occupying the position of the oppressor vis-à-vis the dhimmi Jew constitutes a violation of Muslims’ religious rights, since in the Islamic view no one, certainly not the cursed Jew, may exert any superiority over Muslims.
Each time a IDF soldier shoots a Palestinian, under any circumstances – whether the Palestinian is at that moment engaged in harming or preparing to harm Israelis; abetting harm to Israelis; participating in a violent confrontation; positioned in harm’s way to use as fodder for blood libels; or hit by a stray bullet – the incident constitutes a crime against humanity and an assault on everything sacred, specifically the sacrosanct notion that the Jew is a dependent, subject class that may never own weapons, ride a horse, build a synagogue taller than a mosque, stand in a Muslim’s way in the street, prevail over a Muslim in legal matters, or raise a hand in self-defense.
The very existence of a sovereign Jewish entity – on land that Muslims controlled for so long, to boot – not dependent on Muslims for “protection” represents a source of the deepest shame to those Muslims who, but for that sovereign entity, could take out their frustrations on Jews as in the 1941 Farhud pogrom in Baghdad or myriad other examples through the ages. People whose sense of worth depends on their religion’s position at the top of the human hierarchy – forged in lightning-quick conquest of vast territory that to them signaled divine endorsement of Islam as supreme – experience Jewish refusal to accept Palestinian Muslim attacks with appropriate resignation as a blasphemous undermining of the proper order of things.
Palestinians and their supporters vowed to continue attacking Jews in Israel and elsewhere, preferring to mire themselves further in the shame of defeat to accepting a dignified coexistence with non-subject Jews.
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