Home / Religion / Palestinians Nix ‘How To Rape Boys According To Islamic Law’ TV Episodes

Palestinians Nix ‘How To Rape Boys According To Islamic Law’ TV Episodes

“Perhaps by the end of the 2020’s, it will be seen as intolerant and racist to express negative views of boy-rape. Then we can air the canceled episodes.”

Ramallah, July 31 – The official Palestinian Authority television network canceled the next installment of an imam’s lectures following backlash over the man’s previous teachings about Shariah’s parameters for beating one’s wife, broadcast officials disclosed today, leaving unaired a three-part series on the ritual and legal system’s instructions for molesting children.

PalTV representative Bacha Bazi announced this morning the sudden end of a long-running weekly series by Imam Beda Rasti. The announcement came in the wake of publication of the teacher’s previous episode, How to Beat Your Wife under Islamic Law, which garnered significant negative backlash in the Western world and in online spaces where users harbor concerns that outsiders will look for any reason to depict Islam as backward or immoral. The next three installments, already recorded, were slated to provide guidance to Muslim men on the proper way to rape young boys.

“This might not be the right time to air those segments,” acknowledged Bazi. “The world is not always ready for the truth that Islam represents. The information is available to those who seek it, but in the broadcast authority’s assessment, keeping the series scheduled would generate too much negativity and provide too much fodder for Islamophobes.”

Bazi suggested that a few more years of far-left influence on Western society will suffice to dampen such intolerance. “Soon, perhaps by the end of the 2020’s, it will be seen as intolerant and racist to express negative views of boy-rape. Then we can air the canceled episodes and perhaps revive the entire series.”

Few Palestinians supported the decision. “We do not apologize,” insisted Hebron resident Anas Qtinin. “Let the infidels and their corrupt world view continue braying like the donkeys they are.”

“Hmm,” he continued. “Donkeys. I think I have an idea for another episode or two. But first, goats.”

Even among those in favor of, or at least not actively opposed to, the cancelation, cited practical, rather than moral, considerations. “It’s not like this content is unique,” explained Tulkarm businessman Karn al-Nalj. “We can get TV programs with these teachings from Egyptian, Jordanian, Iraqi, and other sources, and those are just the current programs. There are reruns and rebroadcasts of many previous programs since at least 1970, and that’s not even counting the videos available on YouTube and other online media. It’s good the program was canceled if only because it’s a waste.”

The regular, 24/7 programming glorifying the torture and murder of Jews will continue.

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