Americans most likely to harbor sympathy for Islamists are also more suspicious of guns and gun users.
Hebron, December 7 – Palestinian activists sympathetic to the aims of Islamists in the US advised would-be terrorists planning attacks in that country to shift tactics from mass shootings to what has become a trademark of Palestinian terrorism, stabbing sprees, so as to avoid alienating left-leaning politicians opposed to civilian possession of firearms.
A group called Palestinian Islamists Encouraging Resistance Exercises (PIERCE) produced a video message to ISIS-sympathizing Muslims in the United States who are considering joining the growing ranks of those who perpetrate attacks on American soil, in which PIERCE lays out several reasons to select stabbing as the method of choice for terrorizing the infidel population. The video, which runs eight minutes, features a masked man with a Palestinian accent, and English subtitles. It warns budding Islamist terrorists in the US that guns remain a highly politicized issue for that society, with the people most likely to harbor sympathy for Islamists also suspicious of guns and gun users.
“We at PIERCE praise you brave heroes of Allah for taking the fight to the enemy on his home turf,” the man says. “We wish you only success. Our own situation in Palestine prevents us from joining you physically in your operations, but we can offer our insight into the mentality of the Great Satan, and pray that it helps you in your endeavors. ”
“Chief among the considerations we wish to present to you is the ambivalence so many liberals in America would feel if shooting attacks by Muslims become routine,” he continued. “Isolated incidents can be framed by Democrats as arguments for gun control, but in the event of an emerging trend, which we hope you play a part in fomenting, the attacks could become a wedge issue that divides those who sympathize with Islamist resistance to the West and those who see guns as one of the world’s greatest evils. Given the importance of the left-leaning demographic in facilitating the advancement of the Islamist vision, we urge you to adopt what we Palestinians have developed as an effective means of both sowing terror and achieving martyrdom for Allah: stabbing attacks.”
The video then showed scenes and photographs of Palestinian stabbing attacks in Israel and their aftermath, with the man providing voice-over. “These images need not be restricted to the Zionist entity. They can be New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. And they will free proponents of gun control of the questions of conscience sparked by the conflict between solidarity with the oppressed non-westerner and disdain for the use of firearms.”
Analysts expressed skepticism regarding the video’s potential impact. “US-based Islamist terrorists don’t need to adopt the Palestinian contrivance of victimhood and underdog to achieve their goals,” explained former FBI counterterrorism agent Chic Kenchitt. “They’re looking for the biggest death toll possible, not some pretext for saying the authorities are engaging in systematic extrajudicial killings.”
“You’re probably thinking of the Black Lives Matter campaign.”