Home / The Rest of the World / Pro-Palestine Students Boycott Freshman Orientation For Including Kosher Food

Pro-Palestine Students Boycott Freshman Orientation For Including Kosher Food

They insist no one in the pro-Palestine coalition at Harvard is antisemitic.

Cambridge, MA, September 3 – Activist organizations on the Harvard campus urged their members today not to participate in undergraduate activities to help newcomers acclimate, because the university has refused to bar the availability of meals or refreshments that have been certified as complying with Jewish dietary law, since the presence of such comestibles necessarily implies support for genocide, a spokesperson for a coalition of the activist groups announced.

Students for Justice in Palestine representative Areel Sh’theed took to social media today to admonish members of his organization and of the allied Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, Palestine Solidarity Network, and a smattering of other anti-Israel groups on campus to boycott Freshman Orientation this year, given the administration’s dismissal of their demands not to provide kosher food at the events – a dismissal that maliciously and surreptitiously exposes students to the genocidal implications of such cuisine.

“Harvard betrays its students by allowing ‘kosher’ food,” asserted Sh’theed. “This holds true throughout the academic year, but at the very least, we had hoped that by communicating our humanitarian concerns to the Student Life department, we might forestall perhaps one endorsement of genocide.”

“Had we succeeded,” he continued, “we might build on that success by seeking to bar genocide cuisine from student facilities entirely, and thus make it harder for genocide apologists to attend.”

Sh’theed insisted neither he nor his organization, nor any of its allies in the pro-Palestine coalition at Harvard, are antisemitic. “Arabs are Semites too,” he argued’

A reporter remarked that such rhetoric seemed at odds with the intellectual level expected of a Harvard student, given that “Semitic” remains a linguistic term, and that nineteenth-century Jew-haters coined the term “antisemitism” specifically to refer to Jew-hate in a more “refined” manner than the standard, and crude, “Judenhass.”

“Oh, are you a genocide apologist too? I’m done talking to you,” retorted Sh’theed. He then signaled to a nearby crowd of fellow activists who hounded the reporter off campus and threw objects at him as campus police looked on.

Harvard administrators have yet to make any official response to the legal implications of organizations that make discriminatory demands against Jewish students and staff. Sources within the office of the Dean, who spoke on condition of anonymity, disclosed that administrators have great sympathy for the activists, but the institution’s hands remain tied by federal regulations outlawing discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or race, regulations the administration would be happy to enforce were the targets Muslims, for example, and maybe all we need is some patience until they can figure out how to frame things as such.

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