Home / Middle East / Qatar To Absorb Gaza Palestinians, Replace Other Slave Labor

Qatar To Absorb Gaza Palestinians, Replace Other Slave Labor

As many as 15,000 migrants died just in preparations for the 2022 World Cup.

Doha, March 4 – A dramatic development in ongoing efforts to reach a sustainable arrangement that will allow a war-torn Mediterranean territory to begin serious reconstruction occurred today with an announcement by Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani that his country will allow hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of anyone who wishes to migrate out of the Gaza Strip, to take up residence in his Persian Gulf emirate, where they will serve in the same role as the Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Filipino, and other nationals who toil under intolerable conditions for pittance wages and are effectively trapped in the country.

A spokesman for the Emir of Qatar issued the ruler’s official proclamation this morning to the effect that Palestinians who follow US President Donald Trump’s plan to evacuate the Gaza Strip will be welcomed in Qatar as replacements for the other slave labor that has proved a diplomatic embarrassment to the emirate.

“His Eminence the Sheikh invites refugees from the Gaza Strip to Qatar to live and work,” the announcement read. “This will allow the non-Arab guests in our country to find gainful employment closer to their own nations, where they prefer to be – or to seek work farther afield, if they so choose. We will greet our Palestinian brethren with open arms and open facilities to house them, just as we have housed and provided for our guests from East and South Asia.”

Human rights organizations have long considered Qatar a glaring example of human rights violations: enticing workers from poorer countries with rosy portrayals of employment in the emirate, and then, once they arrive, confiscating their passports, putting them to backbreaking, dangerous work, providing them with barely enough money to survive, let alone send back to their families, and keeping them in run-down, bug-infested, ill-equipped “residential” facilities until they have worked enough time, and which point they may go home. The NGOs estimate that as many as fifteen thousand migrant workers died just in construction and infrastructure projects related to preparations for the 2022 World Cup contest in Qatar.

The Qatari spokesman dismissed concerns that the regime will face the same criticism for treatment of Palestinians that it faces for its treatment of the Filipinos, Bangladeshis, Indians, Pakistanis, and Sri Lankans. “Human rights NGOs have an established pattern of ignoring or shrugging at mistreatment of Palestinians if the perpetrator of the mistreatment is anyone other than Israel,” he explained.

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