“We Arabs wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow, let alone a sword, if Zionism weren’t so specifically Jewish.”

Credit: Chabad Lubavitch
Cairo, April 4 – Governments in the region and beyond are accusing the Jewish State of discriminatory behavior in offering escape and safety to Jews fleeing warfare in Eastern Europe, and not welcoming anyone in regardless of ethnicity, in contrast to the Jewish country’s neighbors and critics on the matter, who show no such discrimination because they let in no one at all fleeing Putin’s invasion.
Israel faces a stream of criticism from Arab and Muslim states in the region, plus several other countries in Europe and elsewhere, because it prioritizes the rescue of members of the Jewish people, in keeping with its purpose as a refuge and homeland for the Jewish people, and does not simply throw open its gates for anyone of any background driven from Ukraine by the Russian armed forces. The countries leveling the criticism, for their part – such as Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, Tunisia, and Libya, plus Belgium, Ireland, and Venezuela, among others – manifestly do not display said bias in their Ukraine refugee policy, having absorbed zero refugees of any race, creed, color, gender, or other identity group.
“Once again we see Israel practicing Jewish supremacy,” declared Jordan Minister of Foreign Affairs Pasha Milhama. “This represents but the latest in more than a hundred years of Zionist discrimination against ‘lesser’ groups, an attitude that has, time and again, brought only unrest, persecution, displacement, pillage, rape, mass killing, and other atrocities, which are how we Arabs express our objections to Jewish sovereignty and safety. If the Jews wouldn’t be so uppity, all that violence wouldn’t happen. All that violence that followed Jewish migration to Ottoman and British-Mandate Palestine? We Arabs wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow, let alone a sword, if Zionism weren’t so specifically Jewish. It’s that Jewish supremacy and exclusiveness that’s the problem here.” Jordan has so far exhibited none of the aforementioned discrimination against Ukraine refugees; the percentage of Jews among the 0 refugees to whom the kingdom has granted asylum hews closely to the global Jewish population, which, on a scale of thirty million, rounds down to zero as well.
Venezuelan officials castigating Israel for its prejudicial asylum policies threatened to take the matter to the United Nations. “This intolerable situation cannot continue,” alleged Nicolás Maduro’s special envoy to Iran. “If the Zionists persist in this additional injustice, the world must act to prevent it, by whatever means necessary – of course that does not mean addressing the phenomenon that creates the refugees in the first place, because that is an unfortunate but ultimately positive result of Vladimir Putin’s special operation to rid Ukraine of Nazis, whom we actually admire, so this is getting a little confusing. Let’s just talk about American tyranny instead.”
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