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SS Denies ‘Two-Tier’ Treatment Of Auschwitz Inmates

He sought to draw distinctions between his policies and those of “Two-Tier Keir” Starmer.

Oswiecim, August 13 – Administrators of the largest labor and extermination camp in this section of Poland annexed to the Third Reich echoed UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer today with fierce rebuttal of the charge that enforcement, privileges, autonomy, or any other aspect of life in the group of facilities in any way discriminates against or in favor of any population there.

Auschwitz-Birkenau commandant Rudolf Höss issued his remarks at a roll call this morning of labor camp inmates, and another roll call in the early afternoon of the Sonderkommando unit at the extermination facility Auschwitz II Birkenau. During both speeches, Höss decried the spread of reports around the camp complex that the SS guards, their Polish underlings, kapos, and other ranks of “personnel” maintain a two-tier system that privileges any population over any other.

“It is dishonest to even suggest we discriminate,” asserted Höss. “Anyone caught spreading such rumors will be put in the punishment cell. Any Jews caught trafficking in such false scuttlebutt will be beaten to death on the spot. If any Jews continue to talk that way, they will be thrown directly into the cremation ovens.”

“We do not have two tiers of treatment,” he continued. “You are all subhuman. Jews are more subhuman than Slavs, and gypsies fall somewhere in between. You all deserve to be worked to death or exterminated all at once. Anyone non-Jew who fails to report talk of two-tier treatment will have any previous race-based privileges revoked.”

Höss reportedly gave parallel remarks to the SS guard and administrative staff at the camp. According to several people present at a meeting last night, the commandant railed against characterization of his policies as two-tiered, in this case referring to discriminatory treatment among the staff themselves: who gets to visit the brothel of Jewish women and how often; who gets to use the swimming pool and for how long.

Reportedly, the Oberstumbannführer, or lieutenant colonel, sought to draw distinctions between his policies and those of “Two-Tier Keir” Starmer, whose repeated denials of a biased approach to policing across the UK have failed to convince the public beyond various media and political elites that his administration privileges immigrant communities over the more “veteran” or “native” citizens, and has arrested primarily those who protest violence by immigrants, not the perpetrators of that violence, whom Starmer permits to police themselves “within the community” – a privilege never accorded “white” Britons.

Höss strove, however, to emphasize he did not object to the lack of arrests or criminal proceedings in the UK against immigrants who threaten or harm Jews.

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