Home / Opinion / This Idiot Really Thinks The Muppet Show Wasn’t About Palestine

This Idiot Really Thinks The Muppet Show Wasn’t About Palestine

by Ruppert Wallace, MSW

Oberlin, August 21 – You’ve got to be kidding, Charles. You’ve got to be. You cannot sit there and seriously deny all this evidence. Good grief. Hey everyone, this idiot really things The Muppet Show wasn’t about Palestine!

You cannot possibly be that moronic.

Listen, I’ll lay it out for the readers, even if you have proved so obtuse that facts make no difference to you. Imbecile. I cannot BELIEVE I have to do this.

Let us start with the entire pretense that involves humans interacting with puppets. Puppets! What better allegory can you create for those who wishcast the Zionist Entity into legitimate existence? They are frauds. The people propping them up are frauds. And they’re supposed to be cute and sympathetic. But we know there’s a bunch of puppeteers pulling the strings.

They even pretend to have freedom to criticize – but even that supposedly free press, like Waldorf and Statler, are just puppets controlled by the same people. And you fall for it! You think it is real.

You see what I did there? No, because you’re a nitwit.

They got all those celebrities and influencers to come on stage and act like it’s the most natural thing in the world to live that lie. Because we know that no sane person, given the facts, would play along unless bought or threatened. No one thinks Luke Skywalker really thought Kermit was a real frog. But you think Israel is a real country? it’s a shell, a colony, a fantasy that will disappear as soon as the world wakes up.

Actually I take that back. Skywalker was a dolt. He’d believe anything. But my larger point stands.

Henson was no dummy, unlike you, Charles. He knew the best way to get a message across is not to beat people over the head with it – something many of our pro-Palestine allies could stand to learn – but to embed it in the absurdities of a situation and get people to question their assumptions, subconsciously – and eventually, acknowledge the difference between pretend and reality. In Jew-controlled Hollywood, sons of apes and pigs: Miss Piggy does not, in fact, Krav Maga those who displease her, as all of the Zionist Entity’s “victories” are propaganda of the most insidious sort. Without the support of the US, whom they control, the Zionists would be gone in an instant, fleeing before the might of Electric Mayhem.

What, you didn’t pick up on the parallels with Nasrallah’s threats to destroy Israeli infrastructure? Pathetic, Charles. Pathetic.

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