By Yusuf Daar, student

Credit: believe it or not, the office of Keith Ellison.
Mogadishu, March 12 – Somalia has not had many reasons to gloat in recent years, even decades. Protracted civil war, Failed State status, rampant Islamic terrorism, and economic challenges have each played a part in creating, prolonging, or exacerbating our misery. So when one of our own attains an achievement on the global stage, we seize that rare opportunity to come together in ethnic solidarity to voice the sentiments one might expect when our own flesh and blood, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, dedicates herself to the politics of Israel-Palestine, a conflict that has nothing to do with us and her attention to which will improve our lives not one iota. We are so proud.
Proud, because instead of using her position and growing influence to bring to greater prominence the struggles and humanity of the diverse peoples of Somalia, one of the most troubled, benighted places on Earth, Congresswoman Omar has demonstrated the ability to downplay her concern for her native people in favor of broader, vaguer Islamic ties to Palestinians, the resolution of whose struggle would have no discernible impact on the everyday lives of the people of Somalia. Such selflessness.
Selfless, because Ms. Omar has made the bold move of forgoing a dedication to improving Somali lives, a mission that would have placed her less in the awful limelight, instead embracing a cause that commands the attention of academia, politics, diplomats, cultural figures, and the intelligentsia, not to mention big donors. Such sacrifice has few parallels, except perhaps in the selfless dedication of al-Shabaab suicide bombers targeting Somali civilians.
Somalis of every stripe have been discussing the congresswoman’s activities, and of course her rise to the top of the news cycle so soon after visiting Somalia, which she must have mentioned so many times in recent weeks that not a single major media outlet has given those statements any attention. Having someone who shares so much with you in her identity, in a position of power, and who works to advance your cause and improve your life, can be amazing. I assume. You would have to ask Palestinians to tell you firsthand about such an experience. All we have for the moment is that pride I mentioned.
The news cycle will proceed, and we Somalis will continue to struggle, but words cannot adequately convey what we feel when we encounter coverage of one of our own, working so tirelessly for others who need her efforts so much less.
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