Home / Opinion / We’d Love For Hezbollah To Draw Israel Into War, Too, But Then It Won’t Be All About Us Palestinians

We’d Love For Hezbollah To Draw Israel Into War, Too, But Then It Won’t Be All About Us Palestinians

by Hind Khoudary, Gaza journalist and Hamas supporter

Khan Yunis, August 1 – Yes, we welcome solidarity for our plight from the world’s largest terrorist organization. Unfortunately, too much solidarity means the Zionists invade Lebanon to get rid of them, and there go the daily headlines about genocide of Palestinians. We can’t become secondary. It’s not part of the ethos.

Of course Iran’s encouragement of Hezbollah is a good thing! Any suffering caused to the Jews is good suffering, no matter the price in blood and treasure. I think. I’ve never had treasure, but the Hamas higher-ups in Qatar have plenty, and I trust their judgment on this. The point being, we have no objection to Hezbollah killing Jews. They’ve done e decent job of it over the years. Our objection arises when the Hezbollah-Israel news pushes the Palestine news off the front page, or lower down on the front page.

I appreciate that this presents a fine line for Hezbollah to walk: hurt the Zionist enterprise as much as possible, but not so much that Palestinians feel outdone, overshadowed, or sidelined. I also appreciate that Hezbollah might not share that concern, since they answer not to Doha but to Teheran. But I can make our concerns known, and hope they find attentive ears.

Part of the responsibility lies not with Hezbollah, but with the Western media. They have proved adept at framing every Israeli action as the main story, even – one might say especially – when the trigger for that action was an attack on Israel. If outright war does break out between Hezbollah and the Jews, it will be up to the BBC, AP, Reuters, CNN, The new York Times, Sky News, and other mainstream outlets to maintain a balance of focus that still gives more weight to Palestinians.

I might suggest an article or twelve lamenting how the inevtiably-much-bloodier conflict with Hezbollah has siphoned international attention away from the Palestinian plight, where it truly belongs. At a minimum, every article about Israeli operations affecting Lebanon must contain the reactions of Palestinians to any developments, because, ostensibly, Hezbollah fights on our behalf. I’m a journalist, after a fash, and should not have to tell you how to do your job, and yet… here I am.

So let us remember the meta-framing that must govern treatment of any impending Israel-Hezbollah hostilities, should they escalate: it’s about the Palestinians. It’s always about the Palestinians. If by some miracle Israel is defeated and destroyed and Palestinians have no oppressor, we will have to invent one so it can still be about the Palestinians.

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